Your Life Doesn’t Get Any Better By Chance, It Gets Better By Change

What’s the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing and expecting different results? That was me, for most of my life. I wasn’t happy with the results I was getting but I didn’t do anything differently to change them. I certainly hoped they would changed, and wished for them to change, but without taking different action there was really no hope at all that they would. The only way change happens is if we take action and make changes.

Change takes work. It takes risks. It takes us getting out of our comfort zones and doing something we’re not used to doing, maybe something we may not believe we can. But we can. We just have to do it. Those voices we hear may tell us we can’t, but we can. For me I had to hit a pretty hard bottom before I made the changes I needed to make. I was one stubborn gal and even though I didn’t like where I was and how I was living my life, I thought I could just wish it away, and not only did it not go away, it got worse. So for me, it took my life being in jeopardy to finally make some changes. You don’t need to wait quite that long, in fact, you can start right now!

It can be scary to start something new, or try a new way of life, but it’s typically just scary at the beginning, those first few steps, and once you’ve taken them you feel it’s right and taking the next few steps becomes less scary because you’ve already taken some, and it’s already feeling good. For me, I made sure to surround myself with others doing the same, and those people already in my life who supported me and cheered me on, it helped to have a cheering section and a group of people doing it with me, so even when things may not have gone as planned, there were always people there to encourage to keep trying, and that’s the key, just keep trying, each step isn’t always going to go the way you would have liked, and it’s those steps that we typically learn the most, they may sting in the moment, but that sting will help us grow, and, hopefully ignite the fire in us to try again.

Nothing changes if nothing changes. It’s that simple. In fact, in my case, and in others as well I’ve spoken to, when nothing changes, a lot of times, things actually get worse. The universe has a way to pushing us in the right direction, and if we’re not taking the hint, those nudges can sometimes feel more like a push, there’s a reason for that, we’re not supposed to be where we are. Take those cues, those hints, and look at your life and what you may not be changing, or taking action on, look at what may not serve you, and maybe never did, but you convinced yourself it did. Be honest with yourself SLAYER, and truly look for those areas that need change, that you can take action on and take it. Don’t even think about it, just take it, trust that you’re being directed where you should be and take the leap, we’re all here to catch you if you stumble.

Wishing for the life we want without doing the work doesn’t work. We have to roll up our sleeves and get to work, once we do we see that things start to fall into place, there may be a few bumps in the road, but those bumps don’t come close to the despair of staying somewhere we shouldn’t be. Trust that you have what it takes to get what you want, what you’ve imagined for yourself, go take it, and you may just find that you’ve made your own chances and a life that you once only dreamed of.

SLAY OF THE DAY: Do you take action when things don’t feel right, or hope they just get better on their own? What in your life could you take action on but haven’t? Why haven’t you? How long have you lived in this place and not take action? How does that feel? What can you do, SLAYER, to take action in that area of your life? Are you afraid? What are you frightened of? Does not taking action and staying stuck where you are bring you even more fear? It should. We are not meant to stay in one place, we are meant to learn, grow, explore, and challenge ourselves, get out there and go after what we want, make the changes we need to have the life we want, the life, up until now, we’ve only dreamed of. Make those dreams a reality, one change at a time.

S – self L – love A – appreciate Y – you

4 thoughts on “Your Life Doesn’t Get Any Better By Chance, It Gets Better By Change

  1. “The universe has a way to pushing us in the right direction, and if we’re not taking the hint, those nudges can sometimes feel more like a push, there’s a reason for that, we’re not supposed to be where we are. Take those cues, those hints, and look at your life and what you may not be changing, or taking action on, look at what may not serve you, and maybe never did, but you convinced yourself it did.” (C.G.)

    I have been questioning a lot about my current choices and decisions. It’s so interesting and weird. Recently I decided to really participate in community theatre where all these thespians were. While it has been cool and all; a major part of me feels so lost and afraid. All these really talented people and me – on stage in six weeks – with all these hardworking and amazing people; a huge, insecure part of me is telling me that I don’t belong here. That this is not where my strengths lie and I am having a hard time convincing myself that just because my strengths don’t lie onstage; that I am learning more about it and that I am enjoying myself pushing myself to learn and grow. It has been a major struggle as the play itself is a pantomime so it is definitely pushing my current emotional capacities. So maybe the universe is telling me to loosen up and have fun for once.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love that you’re pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and trying something new. It’s important to try things, how else will we know what is right for us? And, if we find something is not, we got to learn that first hand, and perhaps even have met some new people along the way.

      As a performer, I know those thoughts well, thinking you don’t belong, or aren’t good enough, even after a career that spans over 25 years, there are some days that those thoughts can creep in, so, that’s all part of the process, keep moving forward, and congratulate yourself for being there, for getting up on stage and sharing yourself, your heart there, for letting yourself be vulnerable.

      You are there for a reason, trust that is true, keep and open mind and an open heart and shine bright from within. Whether you are meant to continue to pursue more work in theater or not, you’ve already won just by being there.

      SLAY on!


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